© Steve Varker Threemilestone Judo Club 2014
Threemilestone Judo Club
The Judo Rank System
Judo created the system of ranks, now used in most other martial arts, that recognize a person's degree of knowledge,
ability, and leadership. There are separate ranks for juniors (under 17) and seniors. Judo ranks are identified by
coloured belts, and ten degrees of advanced grades for black belts. Regular advancement encourages students to
achieve more.
Principles and Goals of Judo
Judo, which is translated as the "gentle way", teaches the principle of flexibility in the application of technique. This
is the flexible or efficient use of balance, leverage, and movement in the performance of Judo throws and other skills.
Skill, technique and timing, rather than the use of brute strength, are the essential ingredients for success in Judo. For
example, in Judo classes you may learn how to give way, rather than use force, to overcome a stronger opponent.
The principles of Judo, such as "Maximum Efficiency" and "Mutual Welfare and Benefit", can also be used in our
dealings with others in life.
The ultimate goal in Judo is to develop oneself to the maximum extent possible, always striving for perfection,
so that you can contribute something of value to the world
"The aim of Judo is to utilize physical and mental strength most effectively.
Its training is to understand the true meaning of life through the mental and physical training
of attack and defense.
You must develop as a citizen to society."
Professor Jigoro Kano Founder Of Kodokan Judo